Monday, June 30, 2008


Inspired by my friend, Becky, I took pictures of the groceries I bought today. I used to try and do a once a month grocery trip but I'm way too forgetful and impulsive to get by on just one grocery store run per month. So I switched to the weekly plan. My hope dream aspiration goal is to make a weekly menu and JUST BUY GROCERIES FOR THAT MENU (and there was much laughter all across the Web). So here's what happen today:

This is the stuff I need for the weekly menu

This is everything else I bought

Hmmm.... gotta work on that self control thing.....


Becky said...


Anonymous said...

rank haven't truly lost impulse control until the Oreo Fudgies outnumbers the healthy foods.

GE is me said...

So, I'm looking at the pic of everything else you bought. But it doesn't all look bad. I see bananas, yogurt, breakfast cereal... all essential things you need. Did you take children with you? Did you make a list of things you were out of? These are all important things to consider.