Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Point of Clarification...

I don't want anyone to read the last post and think that I go through my day singing hymns or looking adoringly at the latest mess saying, "Oh, aren't those cherubs of mine just so artistic!!" There is a fair amount of complaining that goes on in Casa de Diva. There have even been a few times where the dear husband says, "If I give you this latte, will you promise not to hurt me?" However, unlike the book I reviewed below, I try to keep the whining to a minimum because of what I said in my last post. I think there is value in relating your troubles to your friends. It is right and proper, as they say, to seek the wisdom and guidance of your peers. But I think discussing your challenges and seeking encouragement and insight is different from publishing an entire book of what's wrong with modern mommy-dom with little discussion of the more important big picture.


Mamala said...

thanks, but I never thought you were wearing your halo. Love, Mamala

Anonymous said...

I am quite relieve to hear that there is occasionally complaining in your domain. Otherwise, you would be perfect and make us all look bad.

Thank you for reminding us to look at the big picture. So much of our society is focused on the whining (I firmly believe that it is the true national pastime.) that sometimes we even forget that there IS a big picture.

Remind me again. My 4 year old has been sitting on the potty for the last 3 hours and has not peed in 20 hours by sheer force of will. The big picture is going all fuzzy again...


Justin said...

What a great post, honey! Now here's your latte...

Thomas and Lisa said...

Well said. I recently posted on my blog about "Being Real" but I totally agree with you. If we spend all our time whining we miss the blessings of the day.