Thursday, February 14, 2008


Some friends were recently on an episode of Wife Swap. Sufficed to say that ABC has an agenda when they edit the material for the show and my friends did not come out on the upside of this agenda. I knew this going in because I too have some ideas that are somewhat "counter cultural" and have had complete strangers ask me the the darnedest things; "Is home schooling legal?" - would I tell you if it wasn't? Or my personal favorite: "Are all those kids yours? By the same husband?" - if I throw this bone, will you go away?

Anyway, little did I know, ABC has message boards for all these shows, and the virulent attacks on my friends are astounding. I wonder if, brought face to face, these people would have the courage to say the same things to my friends. A lot of the posts are calling for the authorities to intervene. These are the same people who would drive by a homeless person, not bother to vote, and ignore the neighbor next door who's struggling with something. Yet behind the wonderful anonymity of the internet, we can call each other names and accuse each other of egregious things and walk away without consequence. Worst of all, I fell into it myself. I started by merely defending my friends and then started to point out flaws in the other family. We're making judgments about people and the futures of the their children all based on 44 minutes of their lives picked by ABC. We have a multitude of ways to communicate, we are invited to voice our opinions more than ever before, we have opportunities to be heard and all we can do is digress into snipping at each other like a bunch of ....well, idiots. I apologize for my part and hope I can act with more grace and mercy tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Glad I missed it....
I am assuming your friends are Christan home schooler?

I don't get why ANYONE would want to put themselves thru this. ABC of course has an agenda... make the most money possible by any means necessary/ And Bashing Christan home schoolers musta made them some big bucks.
I will say I have caught a show here or there and after I tell the twins... you'd better be nice or I am signing up for wife swap! Yo will really appreciate me after that! LOL. Good luck to your friend Dawn! Please tel her not to let al these people who evidently have nothing better to do than watch TV and be on forums bother her. She knows what she is doing is right.

The Domestic Goddess said...

Actually, ABC sent then an e-mail asking them to be on the show. The family discussed it, prayed about it and went ahead with it. Personally, I don't think we could survive that sort of scrutiny.

Unknown said...

Scrutiny maybe, you and "Bo" are pretty remarkable,

Spin No.

ABC sets out to do a hatchet job.
Some random thoughts the topic gives me:
Don't do for money what you won't do for free.. ( NOT saying your friends did it for the money...
Just cause trouble finds you don;t mean ya gotta play with it...

We pray but do we always listen( again just MY gut reaction..)
and lastly..
Cast not your pearls before swine...Be crafty like the fox. And those who won;t receive you.. knock em off your shoe.
Yeah to you for defending your friends. I am sure they will only be stronger for it.