Saturday, December 19, 2009

Second Annual Christmas Letter!

Time for the Annual Paper and Postage Saving Environmentally Friendly Kerr Christmas Letter!
So you might be asking yourself, "What did the Kerrs do this year?" You know what? I don't know. It's all a blur. Thankfully, I have iPhoto to jog the ol' memory.
Ah yes...on March 15th, we welcomed the newest model Kerr, Andrew James, weighing in at a whonkin' 10lbs, 2 oz.

I think birthing a baby is a pretty big accomplishment so I'll just end my letter here.

Just kidding

Andrew is exceedingly cute and a fine fit for this family. At this point I want to again extend a thank you to all those who brought us dinner after Gummi was born. It was all so tasty, I might be tempted to have another baby.

Did you hear that? I think my mother just fainted.

Anyway, on with the rest of our year.

In February, we bought our own land yacht. We love having all the space and if you ever have need to transport 12 people at once, give us a call. While not exactly the most fuel efficient vehicle, we could probably work something out as long as you don't have plans to drive to Copenhagen.

In May, my fabulous friends threw me a surprise birthday party for my 40th 29th birthday. It was a great day with family and friends. So much so, I think I'll have another birthday next year.

Also in May, Bo Hunkmeister and his Dad went on a one week motorcycle tour of the Great Smoky Mountains. From all accounts (and pictures) it was a great trip. They have plans to do one again next spring in the Ozarks.

In July, my brother Dan and his family visited from North Carolina. I'd have pictures to show you, but between whining that the USS Constitution was closed and searching for cannoli, we didn't think to take pictures. Rest assured though, a fun time was had by all (and there's no photographic evidence to prove otherwise!)

Let's see, what else...

Bo: Is still working for Newfangled Graphics when not kid wrangling.

Me: I continue to bake, read and have my science projects go horribly wrong.

Princess Buttercup: This is her in front of her keychain collection displayed at our local library. She continues to read voraciously. Her current faves are Lloyd Alexander and Eoin Colfer. Any other good author suggestions would be welcomed.

Princess Git Er Done: Continues to play the violin when not taking control of Gummi care. She also works as a mommy's helper for a neighbor. I see many babies in her future.

W. Bear: Is currently obsessed with Pokemon and Webkindz.

Tater: Has learned to read this year!

Baby: need I say more?

So that's our year in a nut shell. We hope all is well in your neck of the woods and wish you a happy and healthy 2010!


Unknown said...

Happy new year - I love seeing the photos of the kids!

Mamala said...

Now I am offically up to date on my "most wonderful daughter-in-law" blog reading. I assume I have redeemed myself and once again retain my "most favorite mother-in-law" position, right?
Love, Mamala

Unknown said...

just read this now. in time for thanksgiving 2010 anyway. miss you all.