Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Nativity Scenes

Seeing how it is the Christmas season and all, the kids, taking a break from making miles upon miles of green and red paper chains, decided to make a Nativity scene.

This was Princes Buttercup's rendition of that sweet night, long, long ago:

A close up for detail:

Note the nuance of emotion that Madame Blueberry brings to the role of Mary.

Raising the bar even higher, Princess Git Er Done, enlisting the aid of Tater, creates a "living creche"

Look at that adoration in her eyes!
I'm not sure who the vacuum cleaner is supposed to represent, but I'm pretty sure that Gummi now qualifies for his SAG card.


Maria said...

Did they get the idea from David's Lego nativity scene? We certainly have creative kids.

JT said...

I guess baby Jesus Pooh's first words were "Oh Bother!"

Very cute.

Anonymous said...

Spiderman, Medusa, and several transformers are in glad adoration at our house.
But I have to say, I love those pigs.